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Grange Farm Primary School

Grange Farm Primary School

Headteacher's welcome

Welcome to Grange Farm Primary School. On behalf of the children, staff and governors, I hope you find your tour of our website a useful and enjoyable experience as you will see all of the wonderful opportunities that are provided for our children.

Grange Farm is a two-form entry school – from Reception to Year 6 – in the Styvechale Grange area of Coventry.  At Grange Farm, we put the children at the centre of everything that we do as all members of the community strive towards our shared vision:

Be a curious, motivated learner.

Be independent and embrace challenges.

Be respectful and responsible citizens of the world.

Be healthy and positive in mind and body.


The staff, governors and I have high standards and expectations of children’s behaviour and we ensure this through developing positive relationships with our children and the wider community. Everybody is treated with respect and visitors to our school always comment on the family feel that the school has, and we are very proud of that here.

In the challenging world that we now live in, our school values of respect, responsibility and resilience are instilled within our children, so they are able to display these values on a day-to-day basis; not only within our school setting but also in the Coventry community and beyond. I am extremely proud and privileged to be the Headteacher of children who show empathy, care and a will to succeed daily.

As the Headteacher at Grange Farm, I am committed to ensuring that the wellbeing of members of the community is of high importance. Our Wellbeing Team – alongside our daily school processes and procedures - are there to support children, staff and parents navigate through daily life and difficulties that may be had.

We are passionate about continually developing our curriculum offer so that our children have a wide range of experiences which enables a rich curriculum. We set high standards for our children, so they achieve academically and personally. As you will see from exploring the website, there are lots of opportunities for personal development which we are keen to provide for children.

Our community at Grange Farm is extremely supportive and we have a proactive parent body in ‘Friends of Grange Farm’. They work tirelessly to organise events that bring our community together and raise vital funding for our children.

Our website will hopefully give you a small window into life at Grange Farm. If you would like to visit our school and find out more, please feel free to make an appointment.

Mr Matthew Walters
