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Grange Farm Primary School

Grange Farm Primary School

Mental Health & Well-Being

We are committed to promoting positive mental health amongst our school community and supporting those who may be struggling with their mental health. A key factor in our approach is that well-being support is the responsibility of a team not an individual. 

We have a Mental Health Team which consists of:

  • Mrs Noone (DHT) – Mental Health First Aider & Mental Health Lead
  • Mrs Heath (Learning Mentor) - Mental Health First Aider
  • Mrs Wallis (SENCo) – Mental Health First Aider & PGC in Leadership of School Mental Health and Wellbeing

They work together alongside other members of school staff to ensure that the promotion of positive mental health is interwoven into all aspects of our school life as well as organising staff training opportunities and events for the children.

Throughout the year we run a series of school wide events which look to promote positive mental health amongst the children: Mental Health Awareness Day, Children’s Mental Health Week, Anti Bullying Week to name just a few. We will also use assemblies and PSHE lessons where appropriate to address relevant topics that come up throughout the school year.

Our Mental Health Team can support if you or your child are struggling with mental health by sharing resources that might help or signposting you to agencies outside of school that can be accessed. Please feel free to approach any of the staff above directly or contact them through the school office.

Little Parachutes is a website that provides an extensive list of picture books that help children cope with worries, health issues and new experiences (big and small). Many of these we have in school and use with the children as and when it is relevant but you may find some of them useful to also have at home.

Little Parachutes

We can also recommend 'Nip it in the Bud' which is a fantastic resource for parents to access with videos and support for a range of mental health issues. There are a number of specific videos which provide suggestions and support for parents with key issues such as anxiety, bereavement and sleep as well as specific advice for children with a diagnosis such as ADHD.

Nip it in the bud

Useful information for Parents & Carers



Mental Health Newsletters for Parents & Carers