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Grange Farm Primary School

Grange Farm Primary School

School Day

The school week at Grange Farm is 32.5hours in total.

Children can arrive at school from 8:45am when they will complete their morning tasks and the school day starts at 9:00am with registration.

Any child not in school by 9:00am will be marked as late.

Timings for break time differ for different year groups. Reception do not have a set playtime as play is part of their continuous provision and they have snack time during the morning. Years 1-3 have break time at 10:20am and Years 4-6 have break time at 10:35am. All children then have lunch between 12 and 1pm with some year groups eating first and other year groups playing first.

During the morning session, lessons will typically be Reading, Writing and Maths with wider curriculum subjects taking place in the afternoon.

The school day ends at 3:30pm when children can be collected from their classroom. Any child not collected by 3:40pm will be taken to the school office and will need to be collected from there. Please ensure you are punctual when collecting at the end of the day.

Children in Year 5 & 6 are able to walk home themselves if parents have completed a form to give permission for this.

After school clubs begin at 3:30pm.

The school office is open for enquiries from 8:00am until 4:30pm. Outside of this there is an answerphone system or parents can email admin@grangefarm.coventry.sch.uk with any queries they have.