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Grange Farm Primary School

Grange Farm Primary School

Sports Premium

At Grange Farm we value maintaining a broad and balanced curriculum that enables all children to thrive and are proud of the provision we have created around PE and sport. We have a dedicated sports team made up of Mr Byrne (PE Lead), Mr McCoy (Sports Coach) and Mr Bryant (Sports Teaching Assistant) who work hard to ensure that our PE and Sport provision is of high quality both in terms of lessons and also extra curricular activities.

We strongly believe that physical and emotional well-being play a key part in children making good or better progress in all ways in school and we want all children to leave Year 6 instilled with an enjoyment of an active, healthy lifestyle that will last a life-time and an understanding of the benefits that this will have on their life experiences.

We want to ensure that all children have access to at least their entitlement of Physical Education in the week but that all also have (and take up) the opportunity to extend this experience in extra-curricular pursuits that give them experience of a broad range of sports and activities. We are extremely successful in competitions in many sports but also ensure that there are many non-competitive opportunities for children to participate in throughout their time in school.

The PE and Sport Premium is government funding for maintained primary schools and academies that is specifically targeted at improving the provision of physical education (PE) and sport. The allocated funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools.

Maintained schools MUST publish, on their website, information about their effective and sustainable use of the Primary PE and Sport Premium funding.

Below, you can find a copy of our PE & Sport Premium Report. This report details a full breakdown of how funding has been spent (or will be spent); what impact the school has seen on pupils’ Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity, participation and attainment, and how the improvements will be sustainable in the future. /docs/General/PE_and_Sports_Premium-Template-2024.pdf