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Grange Farm Primary School

Grange Farm Primary School

Year 3

Please see below for our parent information presentation for Year 3:

y3 parent and carer information meeting.pdf

 Autumn Term Curriculum Letter:

y3 curriculum letter autumn.pdf

 Spring Term Curriculum Letter:

year 3 curriculum letter spring.pdf


Stone Age Day

The children had an amazing immersive experience as part of their Stone Age Topic. A tent was erected on the school field and the children spent the day living as they would in Stone Age times. They created a fire, made a spearhead, gutted and cooked a fish and explored various Stone Age tools.

They also took on the role of a historian: excavating a skeleton and various artefacts, reconstructing skulls using photo reconstruction and having a go at their own cave paintings.

It was a fantastic day, full of hands on learning!

Y3 Stone Age Day

17th December - Carol Concert

Year 3 have been working hard with their singing teacher over this term as part of our whole school provision for music. This culminated in a fantastic Carol Concert at St James' Church where the children sang songs as performed poems to retell the Christmas Story. It was wonderful to see the church packed out with parents and families for this event.

Y3 Carol Concert